Welcome to Grow Bradford! Are you a grower or want to learn about growing your own food in biodiversity and wildlife friendly ways? You've come to the right place! We are working with Bradford Council's Public Health Team and Living Well to develop resources for people in Bradford District around Community Led Food Growing. Check our links above and below or scroll down to find out more.


Click on the pins to find out more about food growing spaces near you!

Fill in our here to add a space to the map. Please share as much info as possible (with the relevant permissions).

Thanks for helping us increase the visibility of Community Led Food Growing across the District!

To see where allotments are located across the district see our allotments map on the allotments page!

We are pleased to inform you that the first part of the relaunch of the Living Well #GrowWelltoEatWell campaign has now launched.

Working with Fruit Works to offer partners, organisations and local workplaces the opportunity to have a small fruit orchard on their site. There will also be an information session that you’re able to attend to learn more (25 Feb) and the closing date for applications is Friday 7th March. For more information and to apply please head to https://mylivingwell.co.uk/news-post/ready-set-grow/

The next part of the campaign relaunch (resources and new growing kits for residents) will be launching in the next few months.

BBC Gardeners Question Time Recording Bradford. Recording of 2 episodes of long running Radio 4 gardening Programme in Bradford. Tuesday 18th February. Hosted by Lister Community Action Group, in partnership with Bradford City of Culture and BCFC.

Get your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bbc-gardeners-question-time-recording-bradford-tickets-1146038595289

A message from  the Council Allotments Office –

The updated Allotment Policy is currently in draft format. It will be issued for consultation to internal stakeholders within the Council in January before it is issued for wider consultation across the district, which will include all plot holders, Ward Members and other interested groups. We’ll be in touch in due course with a notification to advertise the wider consultation period.

We would welcome your comments and feedback on the updated draft policy once issued.

The plot recovery works are progressing. The site investigation phase of the work has recently been completed and the reports from this exercise have now been received for each site. This information will be used to inform the main site work, and we have recently met with the Council’s procurement team to begin the process of mapping out the tender exercise which will need to take place during the next few months. Some of the works required are preparatory in nature (i.e. hedge cutting and tree works) and may be carried out by in-house Council teams – we are putting together a plan to commence these works as soon as possible.

The following allotment sites will benefit from the funding:

Bowling ParkBD4CIL Funding
BullroydBD8CIL Funding
Cecil AvenueBD7CIL Funding
Haworth RoadBD9CIL Funding
Derby RoadBD3S106 Funding
Harewood StreetBD3S106 Funding
StanacreBD3S106 Funding

After an extensive review of the waiting list, the numbers for each allotment site have reduced considerably. Every person on the waiting list was contacted either by email or letter and requested to reply within 14 days to confirm their interest in remaining on the list for an available allotment plot.  Those who did not reply have been removed from the lists.  The current waiting list is now less than 600 which is a considerable reduction from the previous total.

Plots have been continuously offered, and since June there are now an additional 71 new plot holders across the district.