Welcome to Grow Bradford! Are you a grower or want to learn about growing your own food in biodiversity and wildlife friendly ways? You've come to the right place! We are working with Bradford Council's Public Health Team and Living Well to develop resources for people in Bradford District around Community Led Food Growing. Check our links above and below or scroll down to find out more.
Allotment growers

Allotment growers

See more info and updates info below the map! We liaise with allotment growers and the allotments office in simple ways to see how we can support those who want to access allotments and the allotments office in their huge endeavour to get more plots under cultivation and let out. We do this as part of our work with Bradford Council’s Public Health project to promote Community Led Food Growing across the city. Read more below!

Bradford council manages an allotment service across the city. If you are interested in starting or continuing to grow in Bradford then one option is to apply to the council for an allotment. Some areas also have allotments not run by the council’s allotment service, such as parish councils, and some are even run independently by the allotmenteers themselves, such as the site at Northcliffe in Shipley.

Grow Bradford have created a map of where allotments are based across the city. See below! If you know of sites that are not yet listed please let us know via the contact tab .

Click here to see a list of council run allotment sites

Allotments updates and opportunities!

Advice on setting up and Organic Allotment plot and general tips from Garden Organic

4 Ways to boost biodiversity on your plot from Garden Organic

Wildlife friendly gardening on your allotment plot!

Here’s a video of the fabulous growers from Northcliffe Allotment Society and the #ShareYourSpare scheme they are promoting

If you’d like to share from your allotment as an individual or project please tag us in your updates @growbradford #growbradford

Let’s get the city growing!

At the moment the waiting list for allotments is closed, rents have increased by 50% and some concessionary rents have been removed – but there is also good news! 

The allotments office has some funds via Public Health and the Community Infrastructure Levy to bring ‘unusable’ allotments back into use through clearing them – the Public Health fund will bring 30 plots back into use! The clearing process has gone out to tender – hopefully work will start soon.

Also good news is that the allotments office have listened to some great ideas coming from current plot holders and have said ‘ Where plots require cutting back but not heavy clearance, we have been contacting people on the list to see if they would be prepared to take a plot and there would be no charge until 31st March 2024. We have been undertaking this for the last 6 weeks. In the last 4-5 weeks we have offered over 40 plots to people on the waiting list,’ 

Public Health added ‘Most of their work is dependent on funding, which is rather short at the moment so we’re working with them on trying to be as creative as possible. So any assistance you can provide from that perspective will be duly appreciated.’  

 If YOU have ideas on creating different ways of getting the plots cleared and let – please share that with Grow Bradford via our ‘contact’ page.